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link TO the great systems._ we actually can create more powerful systems that can be perform more great result. Try to change the strategies that we make and try to follow the system that actually great. WE mostly high to most high value. Apa yang penting kita cuba untuk sesuaikan sesuatu yang penting dengan pelarasan waktu iaitu pembahagian masa. Tetapkan had limit pembahagian masa. Keadaaan yang perlu dilakukan ialah Strategy Map Action Action iaitu keadaan yang kerja perlu diuruskan Map(rancang) dan seterusnya sediakan langkah kerja secara spesifik. List to do(perkara) Kita perlu sentiasa fikirkan apa dan dimana system yang tepat. Keadaaan yang sangat perlu diutamakan ialah :strategic planning: iaitu keadaaan dimana sesuatu perkara perlu perancangan yang rapi. Kitaorang perlu sentiasa update ilmu melalui internet(high tech developement) iaitu trend teknologi yang sangat tinggi dan berkesan. sistem penyelidikan perlu digarap untuk menjadikan kita sentiasa peka kepada arus perubahan yang berlaku disekeliling diera teknologi masa kini. My mind actually always think about how we can develop new research strategies that actually can build the high performance work skills. That actually more great to have education from our experience. How to develop more skills. Or can we enhance our possible content of achievement. more and more possible strategies that we can make and sxecute and so cute make a happyness in our face. We should follow the used and effective strategies that we found. always think positive and we get what we want. 4567 just do it and develope it


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