AIR COND vs kepanasan

Salam kepada blogger sekalian..

Today is Thursday, Thursday is Khamis(Bahasa Melayu Dictionary) Actually after a rain seasons come the kemarau seasons. Gua tak tahan panas. I need a aircond to cold my room for instantly. Dengan rendah dirinya gua beli la satu set aircond untuk dipasang dalam bilik tidur. For me this is the only solution to create the cool phenomena in my room.

Tak tahanla panas sangat rasanye bila musim kemarau. OK pastu gua call technition untuk pasang air cond satu set mengambil masa 4 jam sahaja untuk siap setting. After this i fell good, soo good in my lovely and lovely room.

Gunakan teknology untuk selesaikan masalah biology/geology kat planet Bumi Ni yep. I can remember the situation when i connot sleep at night. Very hard hot pain and need the cool down with ice cold drink. Sometime before i sleep in car because cooled down by car air cond. This is hot seasons. Very- very hot seasons.

Gua pun tak tahu macamana nak suh negara Malaysia ni ada salji. Kan best ada salji, lepas kerja pukul 5 petang boleh main snowboard. Ni boleh main Dust habuk pasir board. Takpela gua tetap cintakan tanah air. Bagus betul kalo jurutera boleh buata salji kan kan. Pasal pembenihan awan diaorang boleh buat. Maybe suatu hari nanti diaorang boleh buat salji pulak kan kan.


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